Monday, September 27, 2010

Odds and Bookends of Books

What? I thought it was clever.

Moving on! So, as someone who had never (and I do mean never)read any form of "self-help" books, I recently reached a point of "Are you freaking kidding me? There has got to be something better than this!" So I bought He's Just Not That Into You I was pleasantly surprise. (Plus I saw a book called "FU My Ex" by Ales Lluch, so if this doesn't work, I can buy a journal to work my aggression out on =))

I keep going back to read certain parts as needed, but over all, it was very entertaining and very useful. Honest, too. Like, brutally honest. But in a world where all is fair in love and war, you need someone honest who is going to wake you up to reality.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

$5,000 And We Can Give Back The Monthly Gift

Mother Nature, you suck.

I know that you are sticking it out down here with us and according to the Weather Girls you will make it rain men at about half past ten, but there are things we could do without.

Humidity. I'd rather not breathe my eight 8 oz glasses of water a day, thank you.

Our female 'monthly gift.' Girls go through puberty and we end up with bleeding, thrashing insides that make us gain water and cry for the next 40-50 years. Guys go through puberty and a few voice changes and pimples later they are done. Justice please!

Honestly? More men lead wars, cheat, masturbate, become tyrants , dismember people and kill others by the millions and we go through 40 years of hell on earth? And the best answer anyone can give is because Eve ate a friggin' apple? Like Adam didn't eat the apple either.

Some argue that men have to deal with the woman when she is at this point of aggression, pain, and general state of crap. Bull shit. They run for the friggin' hills.

But hey. There is a light at the tunnel. Thanks to modern science, you don't always have to wait until you are past your child-bearing years. From anywhere between 2,000-10,000 dollars, you can return this blessed gift Mother Nature saw fit to give us. Isn't that...special? After all, we all have an extra couple grand kickin' around, right?

Oh...that's right. Shit.

Just make sure those men get here on time Mother Nature. You have some do-gooder work to do!

Oh, one more thing. We really could have done without the imagination of Vampire mythology if it was just going to lead to Edward. Just FYI.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When the Cold Sounds Appealing

Picture it: A story of love, hate, scholars learning the truth of men at the front of battle, death, boys becoming men, and forgiveness...all during the time frame of Napoleon's invasion of Russia.

You know what I'm getting at...right? What? Another hint? Okay, Mel Ferrer. And don't say that you've never heard of him. Another? Henry Fonda. And yes...he is related to the workout lady. Okay...I know you'll get it this time. Audrey Hepburn. Uh huh, see? Even if you don't watch her films, the name still catches some interest, right?

Fine, for those of you who aren't yelling at me to "get on with it!" I'm talking about "War and Peace." The movie. I wasn't brave enough to tackle the book first.

*shuffles and stares at feet shamefully*

Uh...anyway! It was 3 1/2 hours, but worth every minute I got to look at Mel Ferrer in an officer's uniform! But aside from the new (and totally bizarre) infatuation (Mel Ferrer, RIP 2008), it was truly an amazing film!

Thanks to it, I now have a new mission: to read Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" cover to cover. That's right. I'm going to take on this 1,225-1,475 page monster...and I have a feeling I'm going to love it! Well...I have experience with Lord of the Rings and The Once and Future King that have prepared me for this...but to be on the safe side, I am going to picture Mel Ferrer every time Prince Andrei comes up.


If you are on Facebook, than you know that so many consider being the first to comment on something, very important....I am not one of these people. Instead I start a blog so that I can have the power of labeling something "first."


If you like blogs that stick to a certain subject matter....keep moving. I am not the type of person to stick to one topic AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! However, expect to hear alot about theater, books, music, and movies, as well as other oddities that tempt my interest.

So...sit back and relax. Then freak out and react.